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A Heat Pump Dryer for KNC

posted in: Project News, Blog

Help Rebuild after a Fire Accident destroyed KNC Processing Unit By KNC Zhemgang Unfortunately, on 16th February 2024, the processing plant of Khengrig Namsum Cooperative (KNC) burnt down to ashes by accidental fire. KNC lost its processing building, equipment, and entire turmeric powder stock.             Zhemgang in a Nutshell Zhemgang district , also known as … Read More

News from the Highlands

posted in: Project News, Blog

Am Chencho Lham at Tsophu by Dorji Bidha, Drukgyel Farmers Last summer Am Ania from Poland and I went on the Jomolhari trek, and on our third day we met Am Chencho on our way to Tsophu. It was summer and pouring on us, and we were drenched from the rain. As soon as Am saw us, she welcomed us … Read More

German Level B1 for Bhutanese Tourguides

posted in: Project News

As part of our AgeD program, we would like to help Karma Choden and Tshewang Phuntsho with their professional specialization in the German language. Please support and share this fundraiser.

Porcini from Bhutan

posted in: Project News, Blog

Dried porcini and dried porcini powder from Bhutan In the Kingdom of Happiness, dried mushrooms have been traditionally extremely popular as gifts for guests. The interest of various communities in porcini mushrooms (Boletus edulis) has been growing for some time now thanks to the advocacy of our mushroom expert Daniel Winkler and the NMC (National Mushroom Center Bhutan). They are … Read More

Two Bhutanese in a Tyrolean Mountain Hut!

posted in: Project News, Blog

We are excited to welcome Bhutanese tour guides Karma Choden (Bhutan Homestay) and Tshewang Phuntsho in Austria! They successfully completed a basic German language course (A) as part of the De-suung Skilling Programme in Bhutan. The course was taught for the DSP by Dr. Ulrike Cokl from the Bhutan Network. After completion, both students obtained their international German language certificate … Read More

News from our friends in the Highlands

posted in: Project News, Blog

Hardship in the highlands of Soe by Dorji Bidha, Drukgyel Farmers Its 5am in the morning and Aum Kezo gets up to check on her yak calves, endangered by attacks from snow leopards; it is freezing cold. Aum Kezo is in her 60s and stays with her daughter Sonam. They have hundreds of yaks. In winter when the river shrinks … Read More

Mechanizing Farms is Important

posted in: Blog, Project News

By Dorji Bidha, Drukgyel Farmers In today’s world more than sixty percent of Bhutan’s population live in rural areas and agriculture remains one of the most important sources of livelihood for many Bhutanese, especially woman. In recent times large numbers of men have been leaving their farmland to seek better income opportunities in towns, leaving women in charge of the … Read More

A Tent for Aum Choday and family

posted in: Project News, Blog

by Dorji Bidha, Drukgyel Farmers An ancient Lifestyle The highland region of Bhutan is home to pastoralists and semi-nomadic communities. It ranges from Trashiyangtse and Merak / Sakteng in the East to Lhuentse and Bumthang, and to Sephu in Trongsa.  In the West, semi-nomadic communities are still living in Haa and Paro valleys whilst in the North they live in … Read More

A Tool to Harvest Paddy

posted in: Project News, Blog

By Dorji Bidha (Drukgyel Farmers) Farming Previously and Nowadays Some decades ago, farming life was not easy since our fields were more of a rocky and sandy soil, which is not favorable for cultivating crops. Therefore past generations went on day-long hikes with their horses to fetch top soils from the far-away mountain side. By evening they reached home and … Read More

We Feed the World

posted in: Project News, Blog

Bhutan Network and Roswitha Huber (Schule am Berg), our OFEP partner in Rauris, are featured in the new book by Gaia Foundation: We Feed the World – a global photographic project – Gaia Foundation We Feed the World – The Book – Out Now! Celebrating the smallholder farmers and fisherfolk who really feed the world, this book is a beautiful … Read More

A Hand-Tractor for Ongmo – Crowdfunding Campaign

posted in: Project News, Blog

You did it! Ongmo has her hand-tractor and she is already helping neighbours. Thanks for your generosity! The new hand-tractor is a great relief for Ongmo. Without a hand-tractor work at her strawberry farm looks like this: In 2020 Ongmo, a young farmer from Tang valley in Bumthang, put her dreams into action and established a strawberry farm. The hand-tractor … Read More

Lomba with my grandparents Jojo and Jumo

posted in: Project News, Blog

By Dorji Bidha (Drukgyel Farmers) Every year Lomba, the New Year celebration in Paro and Haa, is observed from the 29th day of the 10th month until the 1st day of 11th month, following the lunar calendar. During Lomba it is considered auspicious that members of a household get together and enjoy the festivities. Therefore this Lomba I am with … Read More

Why I like being a farmer

posted in: Project News, Blog

by Tshering Wangmo “Ongmo”, Tang Farmers, Bumthang Exchange with Austrian colleagues Since participating in the training offered by the Organic Farmers Exchange Program (OFEP) in Austria, I have slightly changed my farming methods. I was interested in expanding my farm and food-processing business and for this I received support from Bhutan Network and additionally funds from Franzi, a generous Austrian … Read More

Small but Fine

posted in: Blog, Project News

Young farmer Dorji Biidha from Drukgyel Farmers has many stories to tell. This time she shares her thoughts on how Bhutan Network, albeit a small association, has a positive impact on her village and other farming communities. My thoughts on Bhutan Network’s efforts to curb rural-to-urban migration in Bhutan By Dorji Bidha Rural-to-urban migration and goongtong (“empty household”), is becoming … Read More

Rice Harvest in Paro

posted in: Project News, Blog

by Dorji Bidha, Drukgyel Farmers In the month of February, I wake up early in the mornings to check if the temperature outside is favorable to sow rice seeds. However, believe it or not, my parents and grandmother study the sky. Farmers in my village can predict the weather by simply looking closely at the blue sky above. To me … Read More

Barter System in Bhutan during the Covid-19 Pandemic

posted in: Project News, Blog

By Dorji Bidha (Drukgyel Farmers), also published on Bhutan Homestay Until the 1980s people throughout Bhutan practiced a barter system. Following the introduction of our currency, the Ngultrum, in 1974 by the RMA (Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan), shops mushroomed even in remote parts of the country and villagers started shopping as though they were in Walmart. Nevertheless, aside from … Read More

Farming in times of corona

posted in: Project News, Blog

by Dorji Bidha, our partner from Drukgyal Farmers in Paro. The Corona pandemic and community spread have now also reached Bhutan. The little kingdom is under lock down until further notice. Recently Bhutan Network sponsored a rice husking machine for Dorji Bidha’s community. In her letter to Bhutan Network, Dorji explains the situation and why she requested our support for … Read More

Ongmo’s Strawberry Farm in Tang

posted in: Project News, Blog

Ongmo (Tshering Wangmo) from Tang shares her latest news with us: “Strawberries grow very well here in Tang due to the generally favorable climatic conditions in Bumthang. Most farmers have apple orchards around their houses but strawberries are new to our locality. I felt inspired by the promising potential of strawberry cultivation and this season I decided to start planting … Read More

Follow-Up Bhutan Evening at Bio-Hofbäckerei Mauracher in Upper Austria

posted in: Blog, Project News

After a very successful Bhutan evening at the Bio-Hofbäckerei Mauracher in  2019, the demand for a follow-up event was high. Finally, on February 21st 2020, BN-president Christine Zandl, BN-member Sepp Zandl and OFEP partner and BN-member Christian Dullnigg (principal of the LFS-Bruck) along with family, returned to the venue in Upper Austria to hold another presentation on their unique trip … Read More

OFEP: Klara’s visit to Bhutan

posted in: Project News, Blog

In summer 2019 Klara Naynar from Hiasnfarm in Lungau, host to our annual OFEP candidates from Bhutan, spent one month in the small kingdom. Klara deeply immersed in local village life and practices with her colleagues in Zhemgang and Bumthang. She was particularly impressed with Bhutanese social life and hospitality. Read about Klara’s adventure in her interesting report below.  From … Read More

Mushrooming in Bhutan!

posted in: Blog, Project News

In August 2019 Bhutan Network held four successful mushroom workshops for our Bhutanese partners and all those interested in mushrooms. Initially our Bhutan Network partners KNC and Tang Farmers formally requested us to organize a mushroom workshop in their rural communities. In the end, we felt extremely touched and overwhelmed by the huge interest and number of our Bhutanese “mushroaming” … Read More

Rotary Club Zell am See supports Bhutan Network projects

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On September 12th, BN-president Christine Zandl, BN-member and Rotarian Sepp Zandl and OFEP partner, BN-member and Rotarian Christian Dullnigg (principal of the LFS-Bruck) held a presentation about their recent trip to Bhutan at the Rotary Club  Zell am See (District 1910). The evening resulted in an ad-hoc fundraising of EUR 410 with prospects of future support. We want to thank … Read More

Bhutan Evening at Bio-Hofbäckerei Mauracher in Upper Austria

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    On August 23rd, BN-president Christine Zandl, BN-member Sepp Zandl and OFEP partner and BN-member Christian Dullnigg (principal of the LFS-Bruck) held a presentation about their recent trip to Bhutan at Bio-Hofbäckerei Mauracher in Upper Austria. The venue was offered by BN-member Josef Eder, proprietor and managing director of Bio-Hofbäckerei. Josef Eder was also part of the travelling party … Read More

Bhutan Visit 2019

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In July 2019 a group of six Bhutan Network members including Bhutan Network president Christine Zandl and principal of the Agricultural School Bruck (LFS Bruck) Christian Dullnigg, embarked on a 3-week exploration visit to Bhutan. The trip was designed, organized and led by Bhutan Network founder and Bhutan specialist Ulli Cokl. The Bhutan Network fellowship enjoyed unique insights into the … Read More

OFEP 2019: Herbal workshop in Tang

posted in: Project News, Blog

In February/March 2019, the Bhutan Network Switzerland colleagues Marina Beck and Tabea Ehrensperger (Alpine Permaculture Schweibenalp) travelled to Bhutan to visit the young farmers who had previously participated in the Organic Farmers Exchange Programme (OFEP) in Salzburg, Austria. Marina and Tabea also spent several days in Bumthang, Tang valley (approx. 2800m asl) where in 2018 the young Bhutan Network farmers … Read More

Feedback to OFEP from Bhutan

posted in: Project News, Blog

Not long ago we received a feedback letter from our project partner KNC in Zhemgang, Bhutan, regarding our Organic Farmers Exchange Programme (OFEP):  Feedback from KNC We are very happy that so far we were able to contribute meaningfully to the hard work of KNC. We want to thank all our project partners, supporters and sponsors in Austria and Bhutan … Read More

Vegetable Drier for Tang Rigtshel Tshogpa

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During a Bhutan Network visit in Bhutan, in August 2018, we were able to help raise funds for a vegetable drier for the Tang Rigtshel Tshogpa. This was possible with generous help from, a travel agency from USA and Bhutan Homestay, our partner in Bhutan. Ongmo and her organic group are now able to hygienically dry tea leaves, fruits, roots … Read More

OFEP 2018: Bread-baking workshop in Ura

posted in: Project News, Blog

“A really useful and practical workshop. That is the sort of thing we want!”  In August/September, farmer and bread-baker Roswitha Huber from Rauris (Schule am Berg) traveled to Bhutan, together with Ulli Cokl (Bhutan program & project manager), where she held a bread-baking workshop in the village Ura im Bumthang over the course of several days. Her host, Tashi Wangmo, … Read More

OFEP 2018: Bhutanese dinner in Bruck

posted in: Project News, Blog

The yearly dinner with Maria and Christoph Faistauer (regional school inspector Salzburg) and with the principals and teachers of the Agricultural School Bruck. Also in 2018 our OFEP candidates Tshering Delkar (Zhemgang) and Kuenzang Choeden (Bumthang) prepared delicious and spicy Bhutanese dishes for their hosts in Bruck, Salzburg. After dinner, Kristel Josel and Ulrike Cokl awarded certificates of participation.  

Tashi’s Dream of Bread

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For the second time master stove-setter Christof Bader came all the way from Bad Gastein in Alpine Austria to the little Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan. Yet again, the Austrian non-profit association Bhutan Network had planned and organized the building of a bread baking oven together with Bhutanese villagers. The oven will offer a start into new and exciting opportunities around … Read More