OFEP: Klara’s visit to Bhutan

posted in: Project News, Blog

In summer 2019 Klara Naynar from Hiasnfarm in Lungau, host to our annual OFEP candidates from Bhutan, spent one month in the small kingdom. Klara deeply immersed in local village life and practices with her colleagues in Zhemgang and Bumthang. She was particularly impressed with Bhutanese social life and hospitality. Read about Klara’s adventure in her interesting report below.  From … Read More

Mushrooming in Bhutan!

posted in: Blog, Project News

In August 2019 Bhutan Network held four successful mushroom workshops for our Bhutanese partners and all those interested in mushrooms. Initially our Bhutan Network partners KNC and Tang Farmers formally requested us to organize a mushroom workshop in their rural communities. In the end, we felt extremely touched and overwhelmed by the huge interest and number of our Bhutanese “mushroaming” … Read More